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  • Writer's pictureSandra Kelley

The Testimony of the Olive Seed: Your Purpose is greater than your Pain

Updated: Jan 20, 2023

An olive seed couldn’t wait to grow up. He had witnessed all the wonderful works the other olives had accomplished when they had reached their age of maturity. Finally, the day arrived. The olive seed had had grown into a shiny, juicy, ripe olive. It wasn’t long before the olive found himself being scooped up and placed into a large basket along with other olives. Soon he found himself being rolled around on a hard piece of wood. He felt the sensation of being pressed and crushed. Immediately, the olive cried out in anguish and experienced unbearable pain. After the crushing, the olive felt his oil being poured into a boiling hot container.

After several days of cooling down, the olive oil was transferred into a beautiful, elegant vessel and mixed with an amazing aroma. The vessel of oil was placed on a shelf with all the other oil vessels. Just when the olive oil thought that his life cycle was complete, he was sold to a woman at a very expensive price. It wasn’t long before the oil felt a sensation of being poured out on the head of a Man who reclined in the home of Simon (Matthew 26:6-13). As the olive oil began to drip from the head of the Man to the bottom of His robe, the oil realized that the purpose for his pain and crushing was so that he could be used to anoint the head of the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ the Lord.

Everybody has a testimony. Sometimes we must go through the pain and crushing of life before we reach our purpose. Don’t give up when you find yourself struggling with an issue. Always remember that your purpose is greater than your pain. See it through, my sister… endure and see it through.

Written by Sandra Kelley 8/10/2022

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