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  • Writer's pictureSandra Kelley

Persevere Through Your Seasons of Life (Ecclesiastes 3:1a)

“To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven:…”

I was a little discouraged about the “fruitlessness” of my okra garden this year. Now…last year I had so much okra I had to give some of it away. But this year, it’s been putting out a total of 3 or 4 okra every other day! No matter how much I watered it, it still wasn’t producing as much as I expected. So, yesterday I told it (yes, I talk to my plants), If you don’t start putting out, I’m going to cut you down and start over!” Water cost too much to waste. on an unproductive plant.

When I woke up this morning, I peeped out the window and guess what I saw! Okra on EVERY bush and they were big! Perhaps it was because they heard me talking about cutting it down or maybe…just maybe..the change of the SEASON from summer to winter created an atmosphere of growth for the okra. I am not a Botanist by profession, but I know a little something about certain plants produces better in a particular kind of season.

It is the same for us as we grow on our Spiritual Journey. We will have seasons of drought. We will have seasons of pain and disappointments. But remember they are only seasons. That means it’s temporary. If you allow yourself to persevere through, you will be able to experience the miracle of your seasons changing to joy and peace. If Job was living today, I’m sure he would testify about his season of losing everything. But at the end of his story, he experienced a season of three-fold blessings from God.

So, I’m trying to say…hold on my sister. God is so amazing in His wisdom and His timing! Everything that we experience, He uses it for our good which is to help us to know Him. He also uses those seasons to help us grow up so that we can be conformed into the image of His Son.

To God be the Glory!

Written by Sandra Kelley (9/27/2022)

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