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  • Writer's pictureSandra Kelley

How to Change My Bad Eating Habits

How to Change My Bad Eating Habits (Romans 12:2)

Have you ever reached a point in your life when you FINALLY realized that “thing” you’ve been enjoying for years was actually hurting you? Your “thing” could be your eating habits, your friend(s), your boyfriend/girlfriend, your behavior…and everything else that hinders your healthy growth.

Several years ago, I realized that my eating habits were literally about to take me out! Each year, my doctor would lovingly REMIND me to exercise and try to lose ten pounds (or more). He said it would lower my blood pressure and sugar levels. After agreeing to talk a dietician, I was given instructions on how to make “healthy” choices. It was strange to see how the veggie selections were larger than my entrée selection. And to make matters worse, she told me to write down EVERYTHING I ate and bring it to my next appointment. And so, I was obedient. Each session, she examined my food choices and explained how my choices of food impacted my weight goal. If I ate too much fat, then it would cause my body to hold unwanted fat. If I ate too much starch, it would eventually transform into sugar and then fat. Once I understood how the food impacted my body, I was able to cut back on the bad stuff and eat more of the good stuff. She helped me change my old way of thinking about food. When I understood the impact of my bad choices, I was able to make healthy choices.

Women of God…are you tired of making unhealthy choices that hinder your healthy growth? The most effective way to change a bad habit is to first transform your way of thinking. Paul told the believers in Rome; “And do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12:2). There is an old say; “The mind is a terrible thing to waste.” Our mind is the grand-central-station of our thoughts and perceptions. If we transform the mind, then our actions will follow. When my dietician asked me to make a journal of what I ate……I thought I was doing pretty good on my selections. But when I took the time read the list of foods I ate, I realized that most of my choices were unhealthy foods. But I had a made-up mind to do something different.

Sometimes we go through life making choices based on our emotions. We make choices based on what make us “feel” good or “taste” good or “look good. But just because it appears to be good, doesn’t mean it’s good for you. Isn’t that what happened to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden? (Genesis 3). If you really want to change your bad habits, you must first transform your mind. How? Start with reading God’s Word. Seek understanding of what God requires of you. As you read God’s Word, commit to attending AND participating in worship and bible study. When you are serious about changing for the better, you realize you can’t do it on your own. I needed help from a doctor and dietician. Bible study meetings, worship and fellowship are good sources of healthy choices for your spiritual growth. But you got to make sure you are fed “healthy” spiritual food and not junk "spiritual food.”

Now, let me warn you….there will be some things that you will have to eliminate from your life to obtain your healthy growth. But I believe that whatever God decrease from your life is an increase to your life. You know what else is awesome about feasting on the Word of God? You can read it like a daily journal. There are enough scriptures in His Bible to last you a lifetime. The question is are you willing to do what it takes to change your bad eating habits?

Be blessed Woman of God!

Written by Sandra Kelley

January 24, 2023

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