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  • Writer's pictureSandra Kelley

Check Your Selfless Love Gage (Lev.19:18b)

"Love Your Neighbor as you Love Yourself "(Lev. 19:18b)

In my reading today, I read a quote from "So Great Salvation" by Charles C. Ryrie. It literally made me sit back and think about my own character. All of us struggle with character flaws. Reading the Word of God is like looking in a mirror. When I look in the mirror in my bathroom, I look for stuff that's messed up so I can fix it before I leave the house. Such is the same when we read the Word of God. We should allow the Word to show us (not our husbands..not our friends...not our children, but us) what is messed up so that the Holy Spirit can help us get it right.

Anyway...the quote I read was, "The proof that you love someone else as you love yourself is that you want to give that person whatever is important or precious to you." That's deep! That's the kind of love that God have for us. "God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16). We need to check our selfless-love gage!

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