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  • Writer's pictureSandra Kelley

"Are You Really Free?" Romans 6:22-23

Free..Am I REALLY? Romans 6:22-23

I was watching an old black and white movie called “Defiant Ones” staring Sidney Poitier and Tony Curtis. They were convicts chained together and was being transported to prison to serve their sentence. While on their way to prison, their vehicle ran off the road and crashed into a river. These two convicts found themselves free to run away from serving their prison sentence. The problem was they were “chained” to each other. It would not have been half-way bad if they had a good relationship with each other. But since one man was black and the other was white, they struggled with some serious racial indifferences. Most of their time was spent arguing with each other and trying to get “unchained”, rather than planning their escape route to freedom.

Imagine yourself being free to choose abundant life, but yet, you are chained to your past mistakes and blaming everybody but yourself. Chained to your unforgiveness. Chained to your excuses for your rude attitude. Question: If you are free to choose the quality of how you live, but chained to something that keeps you down and hold you back, ARE YOU REALLY FREE??????

If the truth be told, many of us are in “spiritual chains”. We hold on to issues that keep us stuck and in fear. Right now……someone is chained to something that keeps them bound and dragging them down. It’s holding them back from becoming that faithful serving woman of God. Perhaps your chain is something that is so tragic and devastating, you don’t want nobody to know. Listen my sister…God knows and He’s waiting for you to lay “that” on the alter. Give it to God so that you can be set FREE.

Yes, life has been hard for the last few years. All of US have experienced some type of loss. But our life is NOT over! IF you know who you are in Christ. IF you understand what Christ has done for you on the Cross, then you know that your future residence will move from earth to Heaven. When you place your faith in Christ, it will change the trajectory of how you view your life right now. You will know that sin no longer have power over you anymore. You are equipped with everything you need to break the chains of the power of sin so that you can experience the freedom and abundant living that Jesus wants you to have right now. Choose freedom today by confessing your sins to the Lord, accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and then…devote yourself to a lifestyle of worship and praise to God.

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